The Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering for Women, Pune, organized a seminar on “Usability Design and Entrepreneur Skills” by Mr. Shashi Sudhanshu, CEO, Talkd. Inc., Pune, on 23rd August 2017. The seminar was organized under the Student Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The speaker presented an overview of Usability Design and the skills required to become an entrepreneur.
Dr. Deepali Atul Godse, Professor and Head of Information Technology Dept. has been honoured with 'Bharati Vidyapeeth Seva-Gaurav Puraskar' by the auspicious hands of Dr. Patangrao Kadam on 10th May 2017, 53rd Anniversary Day Function of Bharati Vidyapeeth for the excellent work done in teaching profession during last 25 years and her dedicated services rendered to the multi-dimensional growth of Bharati Vidyapeeth.
ACM is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, facilitates resources for advance computing. ACM provides the tools and resources by advancing career and enriching knowledge with life-long learning resources.
ACM provides:
ACM Student chapter “BV College of Engineering ACM-W Student Chapter” was started in the year 2015-2016 with 14 student chapter members. ACM student chapter has 3 officers chair, vice chair and one professional member as faculty sponsor. In 2016-17 our student chapter have total 114 chapter members.
Some of the benefits of student chapter are: