Code of Ethics for Research Publications
Code of Ethics for Plagiarism

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. Code of ethics followed by Savitribai Phule Pune University are mandatory to this college. In the Academic Council report about code of ethics about plagiarism is accepted. These Code of ethics are followed by our college.
Publication Ethics
The desperation to publish might have adverse effects on quality of publications, temptation to find short cuts and easy ways to publish, which in turn can compromise publication ethics. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as a forum of editors and publishers of peer review journals promotes integrity in research publications. COPE guidance and tutorials are valuable to promote publication ethics among faculty and students. COPE guidelines for authors, editors and publishers are available at
COPE guidelines for authors are more relevant for this report, which stress ethical and responsible research, compliance to all relevant legislation, presenting results clearly, honestly, and without plagiarism, fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. Avoiding temptation of splitting data or using contents in parts to increase number of papers.from same data (salami slicing). Researchers should describe their methods clearly so that their findings can be confirmed by others. Authors should submit only original work, not plagiarized, nor published elsewhere.
Bogus authorship is another serious issue. There is increasing practice to include every member of the laboratory as an author in all papers. This also can result in the spurious increase of API score of everyone in the group. This can be curbed by asking individuals to specify their contribution at least in their major papers. A scoring system may be devised to put relative weightage in proportion to the nature and quantum of the individual's contribution. Authors should take collective responsibility and accurately state individuals’ contributions with funding sources and relevant conflicts of interest declarations. Recent incidences have reiterated that any compromise in ethics, integrity and academic misconduct even by a single individual can have serious reparations and can lead to collateral damage causing risk to reputation of the entire institution. If proper care is taken such incidences can be avoided.