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Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering of Women’s first magazine – Oyster – had started as a dream and, thanks to the efforts of all committee members, ended up becoming a beautiful reality. Almost all engineering colleges in Pune have a magazine of their own. We didn’t want to be left behind. More importantly, we wanted to give a platform to the students’ creative voices. And what better way to encourage their creativity than capturing those voices in a magazine!

The magazine committee was appointed in the first semester. One look at the team and you knew there was something very vibrant about it. The wealth of enthusiastic ideas was staggering! Interestingly, the magazine wasn’t christened until much later – in the second semester. After much debating and brain-waving, we decided that the name ‘Oyster’ would be perfect. Like an oyster nurtures a grain of sand and turns it into a pearl, so does our Oyster nurture the creative talent of the students and motivate them to do better.

The second semester was when almost all the work for Oyster was done. Gathering articles, hunting for sponsorships, interviews, creating designs, publishing work.. all of it! Even though it sounds daunting, it was made memorable by everyone who chipped in as a team and saw the tasks through.

A big part of the effort of turning Oyster into a reality is due to the involvement of the concerned staff members. Without their support and help, going even an inch further would not have been possible.


Oyster Launch Ceremony

3rd April, 2010 marked the launch of the first issue of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women’s magazine – Oyster. Months of hard work on the part of teachers and students alike were about to bear fruit.

Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam, Hon. Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth, along with Mr. Mangesh Tendulkar, renowned cartoonist of international fame, graciously agreed to be the chief guests for the event. They were presented with a quick glimpse of the various activities of the college in the form of a PowerPoint presentation at the Principal’s office. Thereafter, everyone to Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Medical Auditorium for the official launch ceremony.

The ceremony started with the lighting of the Diya by the chief guests and other dignitaries followed by a recital of the Saraswati Vandana.

Prof. Mrs. P. Kale then introduced Mr. Mangesh Tendulkar while Prof. Mr. V. V. Todkar introduced Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam. Both the chief guests were then felicitated.

Shraddha Khade – the magazine committee’s secretary – gave a brief speech before the magazine was officially launched. The launch was a defining moment indeed for all the magazine committee members.

Prof. Dr. Bilgi – principal of the college – then shared his views with everyone present at the Auditorium. Mr. Mangesh Tendulkar, at his wittiest best, left the audience spellbound with his words of wisdom while Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam gave a congratulatory speech and lauded the efforts of the entire Oyster team.

Student members of the magazine committee were then felicitated by the chief guests.

Mr. Tendulkar gave a glimpse of his talent by sketching a cartoon within a matter of minutes. It was definitely a memorable experience for everyone present.

The ceremony was brought to a close with Ms. Yashomati Dhumal – magazine committee co-ordinator – giving a vote of thanks.


Placement 2010-11

Training and Placement 2010-2011

Name of Student Company
NISHA Microsoft / TCS
K ARUNA Microsoft/ KPIT
E DIVYA Accenture
24x7 Women Helpline number
News and Updates

The 81st Birth Anniversary Celebration of Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune The 81st Birth Anniversary Celebration of Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb, Founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth, Chancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), and Former Cabinet Minister of Maharashtra, was celebrated on 8th January 2025 with great respect and enthusiasm at Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune. The event commenced with Prof. Dr. Deepali Godse, Head of the Information Technology Department, delivering an insightful reflection on the inspiring life journey of Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb, emphasizing his invaluable contributions to education and society.  The program also featured a motivational speech by Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, who paid tribute to Dr. Kadam Saheb's remarkable vision and enduring legacy, inspiring everyone to carry forward his mission. The event began with a floral tribute to honor Dr. Kadam Saheb. This tribute was led by:Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav Vice Principal (Academics) Dr. Suvarna Chorage, Vice Principal (Administration) Prof. Dr. Avinash Pawar, Heads of Departments, including Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering), Prof. D. D. Pukale (Computer Engineering), and Dr. Deepali Godse (Information Technology). The event saw active participation from senior faculty members, teaching and non-teaching staff, and students, who gathered to pay homage and draw inspiration from the exemplary life of Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb. The celebration served as a reminder of Dr. Kadam Saheb's profound impact on the educational landscape and society, inspiring all attendees to uphold and advance his legacy.

"वैयक्तिक विकास व सामाजिक प्रगतीसाठी सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्ये" या विषयावर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाळा

पुणे, ९ जानेवारी २०२५: भारती विद्यापीठाचे संस्थापक डॉ. पतंगराव कदम साहेब यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त आणि मा. डॉ. विश्वजीत कदम, भारती विद्यापीठाचे कार्यवाह व प्र-कुलगुरू यांच्या वाढदिवसानिमित्त भारती विद्यापीठाच्या महिला अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयात "वैयक्तिक विकास व सामाजिक प्रगतीसाठी सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्ये" या विषयावर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाळा आयोजित करण्यात आली. या कार्यशाळेचा उद्देश शिक्षक, शिक्षकेतर कर्मचारी आणि विद्यार्थ्यांना सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्यांचे महत्त्व पटवून देत त्यांच्या वैयक्तिक व सामाजिक जीवनात सकारात्मक बदल घडवून आणणे हा होता. या कार्यशाळेसाठी डॉ. लेसन अझादी, बहाई अकादमीचे संचालक, हे प्रमुख पाहुणे व प्रमुख मार्गदर्शक म्हणून उपस्थित होते. आपल्या प्रेरणादायी भाषणात त्यांनी सांगितले की, "सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्ये ही व्यक्तिमत्व विकास आणि समाजाच्या प्रगतीचा गाभा आहेत. हि मूल्य आचरणात आणल्यास आपले केवळ व्यक्तिमत्त्व सुधारता येत नाही तर आपण समाजाच्या उभारणीसाठी महत्त्वाचे योगदानही देऊ शकतो." महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ. प्रदीप जाधव यांनी या कार्यशाळेच्या आयोजनाचे कौतुक केले. ते म्हणाले, "मानवी मूल्यांचा अभ्यास हा केवळ शैक्षणिक क्षेत्रापुरता मर्यादित नसून, तो समाजासाठी दिशादर्शक ठरतो. अशा उपक्रमांमुळे महाविद्यालयातील प्रत्येक व्यक्तीच्या व्यक्तिमत्त्वात सृजनशीलता व सकारात्मकता निर्माण होते." कार्यक्रमाच्या संयोजिका प्रा. डॉ. दीपाली गोडसे यांनी सर्व उपस्थितांचे आभार मानले आणि सांगितले की, "महाविद्यालयात अशा प्रकारच्या उपक्रमांमुळे शिक्षण आणि मूल्यांचा संगम साधला जातो, जो विद्यार्थ्यांच्या जीवनासाठी खूप उपयुक्त ठरतो." कार्यक्रमाची सुरुवात भारती विद्यापीठ गीत सादरीकरणाने झाली. वैष्णवी राऊत या विद्यार्थिनीने सरस्वती वंदना सादर केली. प्रा. सिमी खान यांनी प्रमुख पाहुण्यांची ओळख करून दिली, तर प्रा. स्मिता गोड यांनी सूत्रसंचालन कौशल्याने पार पाडले. या कार्यशाळेला प्रा. डॉ. अविनाश पवार (उपप्राचार्य प्रशासन), प्रा. डॉ. सुवर्णा चोरगे (उपप्राचार्य शैक्षणिक) यांच्यासह सर्व विभागप्रमुख, शिक्षक व विद्यार्थी मोठ्या संख्येने उपस्थित होते. कार्यक्रमाचे समन्वयक प्रा. डॉ. महारुद्र कापसे यांनी संपूर्ण कार्यशाळेचे व्यवस्थापन उत्कृष्टरीत्या पार पाडले. त्यांनी कार्यक्रमाच्या यशस्वी आयोजनामागील सर्व सहकाऱ्यांचे आभार मानले आणि या कार्यशाळेचा मुख्य हेतू प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला जीवनात सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्ये आत्मसात करण्यास प्रोत्साहित करणे असल्याचे सांगितले. कार्यक्रमाचा समारोप संवाद सत्राने झाला. या सत्रात सहभागी सदस्यांनी सार्वत्रिक मानवी मूल्यांच्या प्रत्यक्ष उपयोगांवर चर्चा केली. या कार्यशाळेमुळे विद्यार्थ्यांना प्रेरणा मिळाली आणि उपस्थितांनी सकारात्मक बदल घडविण्याची इच्छा व्यक्त केली. कार्यशाळेच्या यशस्वी आयोजनासाठी महाविद्यालयातील सर्व शिक्षक, शिक्षकेतर कर्मचारी व विद्यार्थी यांचे योगदान महत्त्वाचे ठरले. हा उपक्रम केवळ एक कार्यक्रम न राहता, प्रत्येकाच्या जीवनात नवीन दृष्टीकोन निर्माण करणारा ठरला.

HaBuild Yoga Session on Mobility & Flexibility

We are delighted to share that Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women participated in an enriching HaBuild Yoga Session on Friday, 3rd January 2025. The session focused on mobility and flexibility, providing valuable insights and practical exercises to enhance both physical and mental well-being. It was an incredibly refreshing experience that left participants feeling rejuvenated and energized. A heartfelt thank you to our Principal Sir Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav for encouraging us to prioritize holistic wellness through such initiatives. Let’s continue embracing wellness as a part of our daily lives!

Savitribai Phule Jayanti Celebration at BVCOEW

The Savitribai Phule Jayanti was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women on 3rd January 2025. 

This significant event was coordinated by the National Service Scheme (NSS) and featured a series of activities aimed at spreading awareness about Savitribai Phule's monumental contributions to education and social reform.

The celebration witnessed active participation from students, teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as administrative members, who came together to honour the legacy of Savitribai Phule. The event provided a platform to reflect upon her relentless efforts in breaking societal barriers and championing the cause of women's education and equality.

A highlight of the event was the Principal's address, which shed light on the life and accomplishments of Savitribai Phule. The speech emphasized her pioneering role in transforming society through education and inspired students to carry forward her values of empowerment, equality, and social justice in their own lives.

Through this celebration, the institution paid tribute to one of India's greatest social reformers and reinforced a collective commitment towards building an inclusive and equitable society, echoing the principles upheld by Savitribai Phule.

Proud Moment for BVCOEW

It is a matter of immense pride and joy to share that our respected Principal, Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav Sir was felicitated by the revered Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad and Prof. Dr. Rahul Karad during the prestigious Maharashtra Academy of Sciences Induction Program held today (23rd December 2024) at MIT College of Engineering, MIT World Peace University. This recognition reflects his exceptional contributions to academics and research, bringing great honour to our institute. Hearty Congratulations

Inspiring Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mahantesh Hiremath at BVCOEW

On 24th December 2024, Bharati Vidyapeeths College of Engineering for Women (BVCOEW) had the privilege of hosting an inspiring guest lecture by the distinguished Hon'ble Dr. Mahantesh Hiremath.

Renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to engineering and space research, Dr. Hiremath captivated the audience with his insightful talk on "My Journey in Engineering." His lecture provided a fascinating glimpse into rocket launches and space visualization, leaving the audience enriched and motivated.

The event commenced with the felicitation of Dr. Hiremath by Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, followed by a special moment where Dr. Hiremath felicitated Ms. Vedika Rajemane for her remarkable achievement in being selected for the National Republic Day Parade.

Following the lecture, Dr. Hiremath engaged in an interactive session with faculty members, where he generously shared his valuable experiences and knowledge, fostering an environment of learning and inspiration.

The program witnessed enthusiastic participation from all Heads of Departments and faculty members, including:

  • Prof. Dr. A. M. Pawar (VP Administration and Head of First Year Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (Head of Department, Electronics and Telecommunication)
  • Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse (Head of Department, Information Technology)
  • Prof. D. D. Pukale (Head of Department, Computer Engineering)

The seamless event coordination was led by Dr. Ketaki Amit Malgi, ensuring its success.

BVCOEW extends heartfelt gratitude to Hon'ble Dr. Mahantesh Hiremath for his time, wisdom, and invaluable insights that have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all attendees.

Maharashtra Academy of Sciences Induction Program and Annual General Meeting

On 23rd December 2024, the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences Induction Program and its Annual General Meeting was held at MIT College of Engineering, MIT World Peace University. Our esteemed Principal, Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, had the privilege to meet and interact with several eminent personalities from the academic and scientific community.

The event brought together distinguished leaders and experts, including:

  1. Dr. Mahantesh Hiremath – Advisor/Consultant in Startup Mentoring, Space Technology and Exploration, Strategy and Business Development, and the 140th President of ASME (2021-22), affiliated with Santa Clara University and Stanford University, San Francisco.
  2. Dr. B. B. Kale – Scientist, C-MET, Pune.
  3. Prof. G. D. Yadav – Vice Chancellor, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai.
  4. Prof. N. J. Pawar – Vice Chancellor, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  5. Dr. Prakash Wadgaonkar – Expert in Polymer Science and Engineering Division.
  6. Dr. Dinesh Amalnerkar – Advisor-Research & International Academics, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering & Pimpri Chinchwad University, and Former Director General, C-MET.

The event provided a valuable platform for knowledge exchange, fostering collaborations, and discussions on advancements in science and technology. Such engagements continue to inspire and guide the academic and research endeavours at BVCOEW

वन्य रेशीम तथा Wild सिल्क याचं प्रत्यक्ष संवर्धन,संगोपन

भारती विद्यापीठाचे लोकनेते मोहनराव कदम कृषी महाविद्यालय कडेगाव येथील प्रथम वर्षाच्या विद्यार्थ्यांनी आज वन्य रेशीम तथा Wild सिल्क याचं प्रत्यक्ष संवर्धन,संगोपन या अनुषंगाने महाविद्यालय परिसरातील अर्जुन वृक्षावर अंडीपुंज,नुकतेच जन्मलेले कीटक सोडून त्याचे प्रात्यक्षिक केले.यापुढे 70 दिवस निसर्गात या नैसर्गिक वन्य रेशमाचा प्रात्यक्षिक महाविद्यालयातील सर्वच वर्षातील विद्यार्थी याचा लाभ घेणार आहेत .प्राचार्य ,डॉ.अधिकराव जाधव यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली सदर वन्य रेशमाच्या संगोपन तडसर परिसरातील जंगलामध्ये ऐन,अर्जुन नैसर्गिक झाडावर पूर्ण करण्यासाठी सुद्धा विद्यार्थ्यांनी या किडींचा झाडावर सोडून संवर्धनाच्या अनुषंगाने धडे घेतले. महाविद्यालयातील प्रथम वर्षाचे विद्यार्थी मोठ्या प्रमाणात उपस्थित होते तसेच भारतीय विद्यापीठ पुणे वुमेन कॉलेज फॉर इंजिनिअरिंग पुणे चे प्राचार्य,प्रदीप जाधव हे देखील या कौशल्य विकास व एन्ट्री पुनर्शिप कार्यक्रमाला जॉईन झाले होते.

मा. प्रा. डॉ.शिवाजीराव कदम सर (कुलपती, भारती विद्यापीठ पुणे ), मा.आमदार डॉ.विश्वजीत कदम साहेब (कार्यवाह, भारती विद्यापीठ पुणे ), मा.अस्मिता ताई जगताप (कार्यकारी संचालक हेल्थ सायन्स भारती विद्यापीठ पुणे), प्रा. डॉ. विवेक सावजी (कुलगुरू भारती विद्यापीठ पुणे) यांच्या हस्ते NAAC कडून A ग्रेड मानांकन (भारती विद्यापीठ कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग फॉर वुमेन पुणे) मिळाले याबद्दल सत्कार स्वीकारताना.

Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. Milind Patwardhan on successfully defending his PhD viva voce in Physics

Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. Milind Patwardhan on successfully defending his PhD viva voce in Physics His research on "Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (HTS-SMES) Devices for Smart Grid Applications " is a remarkable achievement. Wishing him all the best for his future endeavors

National Festival Book Granth Dindi, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women Pune-43 (A-051).

प्रजासत्ताक दिन पथसंचलन : पुणे विद्यापीठातील चार स्वयंसेवक, एका संघनायकाची निवड

दिल्ली येथील कर्तव्यपथावर होणाऱ्या पथसंचलनासाठी महाराष्ट्रातील विविध विद्यापाठातून १२ स्वयंसेवकांची निवड करण्यात आली आहे. निवड झालेले हे सर्व विद्यार्थी राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजनेचे आहेत.

Link - प्रजासत्ताक दिन पथसंचलन : पुणे विद्यापीठातील चार स्वयंसेवक, एका संघनायकाची निवड - Eduvarta- News Portal

Dr. Rajesh Prasad, Principal of BVDU College of Engineering, Pune, Visits BVCOEW

On Thursday, 19th December 2024, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women (BVCOEW) had the honour of hosting Dr. Rajesh Prasad, Principal of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) College of Engineering, Pune, for his first official visit to the institute. Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, Principal of BVCOEW, warmly felicitated Dr. Rajesh Prasad on this special occasion. During his visit, Dr. Prasad shared valuable insights and his perspective on the IDEA Lab initiative, emphasising its role in fostering innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and student skill development BVCOEW thanks Dr. Rajesh Prasad for his time, guidance, and inspiring interaction with faculty and students.

Collaboration Between Bhai Academy and Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women

Dr. Lesan Azadi, Director of Bhai Academy visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women to explore the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two esteemed institutions. This collaboration aims to enrich education by introducing Universal Human Values as a foundational course fostering personal growth and contributing to social progress. During the productive meeting with Principal Dr. Pradeep Jadhav, Vice Principal Dr. Avinash Pawer and Heads of Departments including Dr. Sandeep Patil, Head E&TC, Prof. D.D. Pukale, Head Computer Department Dr. Deepali Godse, Head IT, Dr. Ketaki Malgi and Dr. Maharudra Kapse. The plans were outlined to conduct an introductory session on 9th January 2025 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students. Dr. Azadi also proposed two specialized training programs—one for teaching staff and another for non-teaching staff—highlighting a commitment to professional development. The details of these programs will be finalized shortly. The meeting concluded on a highly positive note, with meaningful discussions paving the way for a promising partnership between Bhai Academy and Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women.

Good news about Cummins India Ltd. Internship Drive

We are delighted to announce that Cummins India Ltd. conducted an internship drive at Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune. Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav had a productive discussion with HR Mr. Ayush Abhishek and his team on enhancing technical competencies and opening new opportunities for our students. Heartiest congratulations to Samruddhi Shinde, Priyal Bhagwat, Sakshi Pandey, and Shreyasee Patil for securing prestigious internships at Cummins India Ltd. with a monthly stipend of ₹25,000. Wishing them great success on this promising journey

Centre Piece Where the div takes the stage

Good news Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women is pleased to share that Project title: - Centre Piece Where the div takes the stage. Name of the hackathon: Brainrot jiaseed Hackathon Name of the participants: 1. Ayesha Bashirul Haque Shaikh (TE IT BVCOEW) 2. Bushra Asif Sayyed (TE ENTC 2 BVCOEW) Track 1 name: Pear Ai Track 2 name: The most Kawaii Ui/Ux Prize : 100$ each(200$ total) Hearty Congratulations to winning team participants and heads of EnTC and IT dept Prof. Dr S. R. Patil and Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse, Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav Principal, BVCOEW

Empowering Research Innovation and Proposal Writing and Patent Development Faculty Development Program at BVCOEW

We are pleased to announce the commencement of the 1-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Empowering Research Innovation and Proposal Writing and Patent Development, organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women collaboration with RSVP Research Hub, located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This online FDP is scheduled from 23rd December to 28th December 2024 and aims to equip faculty members with essential skills in research, innovation, and intellectual property development. A total of 105 participants from various institutions have joined this insightful program, which focuses on enhancing research capabilities and developing effective proposals for grant applications and patent development. The convener for this program is Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, Principal, BVCOEW. The coordinator is Prof. Dr. Vijaya Pawar, and the co-coordinators are Prof. Dr. Ketaki Amit Malgi and Prof. Dr. Sumati Jagdale. We look forward to an engaging and fruitful week of learning and collaboration.

Esteemed Academic Leaders Visit BVCOEW for Insightful Interaction

We are pleased to share that Dr. RGB Bhagavath Kumar, Vice Chancellor of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, and Dr. Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Principal of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women today. During their visit, we had an excellent interaction and a brief yet productive tour of the institute. Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (HOD, ENTC), Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi (IT Department), Prof. Dr. Sonali Kadam, and Prof. Kanchan Warake (Computer Department) were present to welcome and engage with them. Their visit highlights our institute's reputation and commitment to academic excellence.

Heartiest Congratulations to Ms. Vedika Kisanrao Rajemane and the NSS Team

BV College of Engineering for Women, Pune, proudly announces that Ms. Vedika Kisanrao Rajemane has been selected for the prestigious National Republic Day Parade Camp, which will be held in New Delhi on 26 January 2025 to mark the occasion of Republic Day. This remarkable achievement reflects her dedication, hard work, and the relentless efforts of the NSS Team, led by Prof. Seema Hacke, Prof. Dr. Smita S. Jadhav (NSS Program Officers), Prof. Savita A. Itkarkar (District Coordinator, NSS SPPU), and Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, Principal BVCOEW, Pune. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Vedika and all the NSS team members for this incredible accomplishment. You have made the institute proud

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women,Pune Team Ayush Archiever, For making it to the Finals at Smart India Hackethon Grand Finale 2024.

Expert Session on Autonomous College Status Application Process

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women had the privilege of hosting Prof. Dr. Ravindra Edlabadkar, an expert from PVG College of Engineering, for an insightful session on the online application process to acquire autonomous college status.

The session was graced by the presence of esteemed faculty members, including:

  • Prof. Dr. Pradeep V. Jadhav, Principal
  • Prof. Dr. S. S. Chorage, Vice Principal (Academics) and IQAC Coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. Avinash Pawar, Vice Principal (Administration) and Head of First-Year Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil, Head of E&TC Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse, Head of Information Technology
  • Prof. D. D. Pukale, Head of Computer Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi, Department of Information Technology
  • Prof. More, PVG College of Engineering

During the session, Prof. Dr. Edlabadkar shared valuable insights and provided detailed guidelines about the submission process, equipping the attendees with the necessary expertise to navigate the application procedure effectively. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Edlabadkar for his expert guidance and for enriching our faculty with this valuable knowledge.

FE Engineering Admission ACAP Round-III 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission Institute Level Round 3 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission 2024-25 Merit List for Institute Level

FE Engineering Admission IL Round-II 2024-25

FE Engineering Admission ACAP Round-II 2024-25

Placements at Standard Chartered Bank

We are proud to announce that 7 of our students have successfully secured placements at Standard Chartered Bank, with an impressive package of ₹8.25 lpa. This accomplishment showcases the hard work and commitment of our students, supported by the dedicated efforts of our faculty. Congratulations to the selected students, and we wish them continued success in their careers

Placements at Amdocs

We are proud to announce that 15 talented students of our college BVCOEW have successfully secured prestigious placements at Amdocs, with an impressive package of ₹6,50,000 LPA. This outstanding achievement is a testament to the relentless dedication, perseverance, and brilliance of our students, further elevated by the unwavering guidance and support provided by our esteemed faculty and the Training & Placement Cell. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the selected students and wish them continued success and excellence as they embark on this remarkable journey.

Placements at Atlas Copco

We are proud to announce that 13 of our students have successfully secured placements at Atlas Copco, with an impressive package of ₹6,36,839 per annum. This accomplishment showcases the hard work and commitment of our students, supported by the dedicated efforts of our faculty. Congratulations to the selected students, and we wish them continued success in their careers

CAP Vacancies 2024-25

Schedule of Activities for First Year Engineering Admission Against CAP Vacancies : 2024-25

Admission 2024-25

FE DSE & ME Engineering Admission 2024-25 Notice




Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for Women is proud to inform that Global Talent Track (GTT) Foundation, 11th edition of NES Innovation Awards nominated our Innovative Project SHOPSTOCK: Object Detection and Counting with Deep Learning guided by Prof. Pranoti Kale in Top 3 - Winning Category. The Innovators Tanvi Mahajan, Ankita Kanawade, Samrudhi Shete, Shweta Jadhav are from Final Year Computer Engineering. Top 3 winners are shortlisted out of over 700 innovative ideas submitted, with participation from more than 2200 students, makes this project unique. The Project team members and Project guide were honoured with a Cash Prize, Trophy and Winning Certificate on 5th July 2024. It is a matter of pride for the institute to announce that the felicititation was by the hands of Padma Vibhushan Shri. Raghunath A. Mashelkar, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Dr. Uma Ganesh and other industry leaders. Principal Dr Pradeep Jadhav, Vice-Principal, Heads of Department attended the event.


Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for Women is proud to inform that Global Talent Track (GTT) Foundation, 11th edition of NES Innovation Awards nominated our Innovative Project SHOPSTOCK: Object Detection and Counting with Deep Learning guided by Prof. Pranoti Kale in Top 3 - Winning Category. The Innovators Tanvi Mahajan, Ankita Kanawade, Samrudhi Shete, Shweta Jadhav are from Final Year Computer Engineering. Top 3 winners are shortlisted out of over 700 innovative ideas submitted, with participation from more than 2200 students, makes this project unique. The Project team members and Project guide were honoured with a Cash Prize, Trophy and Winning Certificate on 5th July 2024. It is a matter of pride for the institute to announce that the felicititation was by the hands of Padma Vibhushan Shri. Raghunath A. Mashelkar, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Dr. Uma Ganesh and other industry leaders. Principal Dr Pradeep Jadhav, Vice-Principal, Heads of Department attended the event.

Uno Minda

It’s our pleasure to interact with Uno Minda team Akbar, Senior Manager, Human Resource Management and get the feedback about our on-boarded students. Understanding each others perspective will mutually help to take proactive actions at Institute level. Thank you so much Group Talent Head and Vice President of HR, Mr. Pran Ranjan, Group Talent Management Head and General Manager, Mr. Sameer Srivastava and Shipra Rathore, Manager, Talent Management for the brainstorming session on 5th July 2024 @ Radisson Blu, Hinjewadi

Invitation - International Conference on Recent Trends in Science,Technology and Management (ICRTSTM - 2024)

ICRTSTM - 2024

ICRTSTM - 2024

Implementation of National Education Policy 2020

SCHOOL CONNECT (NEP CONNECT) workshop on “Implementation of National Education Policy 2020”

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune organized a SCHOOL CONNECT (NEP CONNECT) workshop titled "Implementation of National Education Policy 2020" on 26th June 2024. The workshop was organized for the 12th pass-out students and their parents, aiming to familiarize them with the key aspects of the NEP 2020.

The workshop was expertly conducted by Prof. Vijay Navale, covering essential topics including an overview of NEP, the significance of skill development, and the merits of a multidisciplinary approach in education. The session was graced by Principal Prof. Dr. P.V. Jadhav, Vice Principal (Academic) Prof. Dr. S. S. Chorge, Vice Principal (Admin) Prof. Dr. A. M. Pawar, along with all Heads of Departments, 100 students, and their parents.

The event was made successful by Dedicated Committee:

  1. Prof. Dr. S. A. Pawar (NEP Coordinator)
  2. Prof. M. A. Patwardhan (NEP Co-Coordinator)
  3. Prof. S. M. Thorat
  4. Prof. S. A. Hadke
  5. Prof. R. J. Sapkal 

This initiative reflects BVCOEW’s proactive approach to aligning with national educational reforms and empowering students and parents with pertinent knowledge.

Enlightening Minds

Enlightening Minds Under Session-1 of the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) “Impact Lecture Series 2024”, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering For Women, Pune, orchestrated a transformative seminar titled "Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a Career Opportunity" on April 12th, 2024. Mr. Mohan Anturkar spearheaded the session, delving into pivotal topics such as conquering the fear of failure and fostering wealth creation with positivity. Notably, the event was organized by BVCOEW as part of the impactful lecture series sponsored by the AICTE Ministry of Education.

The seminar, graced by Principal Dr. P.V. Jadhav, who serves as the President of IIC, witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 100 students, including second and third-year students from all departments. This impactful session was made possible by the relentless efforts of dedicated coordinators:

  1. Principal Dr. P.V. Jadhav (IIC President)
  2. Prof. A.D. Khairkar (IIC Convener)
  3. Prof. Dr. S.L. Kore
  4. Prof. V.P. Mulik
  5. Prof. M.S. Kasar

Their unwavering support ensured the success of this enlightening session, promising to pave the way for innovation and empowerment at BVCOEW, Pune.

Impact Lecture Series 2024

Exciting Update! Session 2 of the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) “Impact Lecture Series 2024” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering For Women, Pune, unfolded a fascinating seminar on "Intellectual Property Rights" on April 12th, 2024. The esteemed speaker, Mrs. Kalyani Ahire, CEO of Synnolect Innovation, illuminated the significance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in today's dynamic landscape.Participants delved into key concepts surrounding IPR, guided by Mrs. Ahire's expertise. With engaging discussions on patents, copyrights, and trademarks, students gained valuable insights into protecting and leveraging their innovative ideas.

Vmedulife Software

NAAC PTV Preparation Guidelines

BVCOEW, Pune organized a session of Dr. P. J. Kulkarni, Advisor Professor in CSE RIT, Islampur on “NAAC PTV Preparation Guidelines” on 30th May, 2024. Principal Prof. Dr. Pradeep Jadhav and all teaching faculty attended the session. The session was very informative & interactive. Prof. Dr. Kulkarni solved all the queries related to NAAC raised by the faculty.

Walmart Offer Letter

Heartiest Congratulations, Ms Utkarsha Kakde from IT Department received Walmart offer letter, CTC including Base Pay, Joining Bonus 22 LPA.


ICRTSTM 2024 was jointly organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra, India and RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


ICRTSTM 2024 was jointly organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra, India and RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Interaction with GATE appeared students

Interaction with BE E&TC - 2023-24 batch GATE appeared students with Principal Dr.Pradeep Jadhav, HoD Dr.S.R. Patil, Prof.Dr.V.R. Pawar, Prof.Dr.S.M. Jagdale

A session on, 'Atal FDP proposal drafting and it's submission'

A session on, 'Atal FDP proposal drafting and it's submission', was organized in the institute on 2nd May 2024, at NAAC Room. Dr. Vijaya Pawar - ARC, articulated the entire flow of ATAL FDP. Eligibility criteria, Thrust areas and subareas, were explored by her. Prof. Dr. P.V.Jadhav - Principal elaborated the importance of applying for the research and development grants.

Windows and Networking - Citrix Technology

The Alumni Association of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune, (Department of Information Technology) organized a session titled "Windows and Networking - Citrix Technology" for SE and TE students on 25th April, 2024.Our esteemed alumni, Shital Bhoite, 2011-12 graduate currently working at Infosys, delivered an enlightening session, providing valuable insights into the integration of Windows operating systems with networking, with a special focus on Citrix Technology. The session also highlighted the diverse career opportunities available in Citrix administration and networking, encouraging students to pursue relevant certifications and skill development initiatives for a successful career in the IT industry. Overall, the seminar was well-received by the SE and TE students, providing them with a deeper understanding of the subject matter and equipping them with valuable knowledge for their future endeavors in the field of IT. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Shital Bhoite.

AICTE Career Portal

Today, AICTE took a significant step forward in career development by partnering with APNA.co to introduce the 'AICTE Career Portal' tailored for engineering graduates. Representatives from BVCOEW, Prof. Dr. P. V. Jadhav (Principal), Prof. Dr. Avinash Pawar (Vice Principal, Admin.), Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (HoD, EnTC Engg.), Prof. D. D. Pukale (HoD, Comp. Engg.), and Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi (In charge, HoD, IT), actively participated in the live streaming of the grand launch event. Principal Prof. Dr. P. V. Jadhav underscored the portal's significance by announcing the enrolment and resume building/uploading initiatives for 2024 and 2025 graduates. Under the directives of AICTE Chairman Prof T.G. Sitharam, the portal aims to empower youth across the nation with access to career opportunities, internships, and CV-building resources.

Ms. Vidya Ambre, representing Falmer University, visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women

Ms. Vidya Ambre, representing Falmer University, visited Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women on 25th April, 2024. The purpose of Ms. Vidya's visit was to discuss the possibility of conducting a session for our students to spread awareness about studying abroad in the UK, specifically at Falmer University. The meeting was productive, with discussions focusing on the benefits and opportunities available for students interested in pursuing higher education in the UK. The session aims to encourage students to consider international education opportunities and to provide them with the necessary guidance and support.

Women Health Awareness Session

Session was conducted for all ladies teaching faculty and non-teaching staff. This session was conducted by Miss. Aarti Shitole, from Unimax India. Principal Dr.P.V.Jadhav felicitated Miss.Aarti. Miss.Aarti gave very useful and ayurvedic solutions for acidity, improper digestion, diabetis , BP ,suger , pcod, etc .She told various ayurvedic plants for ayurvedic brew and how to make it from scratch. Then nadiparikshan was also done by Miss. Aarti and her team and on a good note the program came to an end with vote of thanks given by Prof. Chaudhari K.R. ; it was a very informative session altogether.

Diversity Industrial Visit at Amdocs, Pune

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune - Diversity Industrial Visit at Amdocs, Pune Office on 13th April 2024.

Session by Alumni Association

Alumni Association of BV College of Engineering For Women, Pune (E&TC Dept.) organized a session on "Preparation for Competitive Examinations" by alumni Mrs. Shital Mane, a 2015-16 passout, shared her insights on career and daily professional life challenges. Mrs. Mane emphasized the importance of setting clear career targets and advised to follow proper and focused timeline. She encouraged students to consider competitive exams such as MPSC and UPSC, emphasizing the significance of independence and time management. She also gave importance on balanced diet which plays an important role in effective preparation and stress management in the journey of preparation of competitive exams. Concluded with a call to action, urging students to start planning today rather than waiting for tomorrow.

Session by Alumni Association

Alumni Association of BV College of Engineering for Women, Pune (E&TC Dept.) organized a session on "Professional Etiquettes" by alumini Mrs Rekha Takalkar, a 2016-17 pass out. She shared her journey of studying at college to working as senior associate. Mrs. Takalkar emphasized the importance of learning communication skills. She explained how it is important to focus on the Academic learning and extra curriculum activities. She also emphasized on not giving up attitude, no matter what, and explained how we should keep trying every day. She shared how she never gave up and improved and kept brushing her skills and kept learning from her mistakes. She explained how it is important to start learning and improving your skills in college and learn professional ethics. Concluded with vote of thanks by SE student Ms. Sophia Inamdar.

FE Admission 2023-24 - Merit List and Schedule for ACAP Seats

FE Admission 2023-24 - Merit List and Schedule for ACAP Seats

FE Admission 2023-24 Against CAP Vacancy

FE Admission 2023-24 Against CAP Vacancy.

ICC Event 2022

Admissions Against CAP Round

FE Admission Against CAP Round Schedule

Selected for W.Z. Inter-University Basketball Tournament

Gymkhana Department: It is indeed a proud moment that our student Chaitanya Raje, SE, E&TC, got selected for West Zonal Inter-University Basketball Tournament and will be representing BVCOEWOMEN. Heartiest congratulations and many best wishes to Chaitanya. - Dr Gauri Patil, Physical Director, and Prof Dr. S. R. Patil, Principal, BVCOEWOMEN, Pune.

बी.ई. / एम.ई. शुल्क तक्ता २०२२-२३

शुल्क नियामक प्राधिकरणाद्वारे निर्धारित बी.ई. / एम.ई. शुल्क तक्ता २०२२-२३

Fees for B.E./M.E. for AY 2022-23

Fees Regulation Authority's Fees for B.E./M.E. for the Academic Year 2022-23

Annual College Magazine "Oyster"

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune had organized unveiling ceremony of Annual College Magazine "Oyster" by the hands Chief Guest Mr. Sameer Dharmadhikari renowned actor, director and Hon'ble Dr. M. S. SAGARE Joint Secretary Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)Pune on 28th May 2022.

शिवस्वराज्य दिन

सोमवार दिनांक ६ जून२०२२ रोजी भारती विद्यापीठचे महिला अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयात शिवस्वराज्य दिन मोठ्या उत्साहाने साजरा करण्यात आला. महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य माननीय डॉ. एस आर पाटील.यांनीप्रथम शिवाजी महाराजांच्या प्रतिमेचे पूजन केले व राष्ट्रगीताने कार्यक्रमास सुरुवात झाली. प्रथम वर्षाचे प्रमुख डॉ. प्रो. ए. एम पवार सर तसेच गणित, रसायन शास्त्र, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक विभागातील आणि इलेक्ट्रिकल विभागातील सर्व मान्यवर शिक्षक या कार्यक्रमास उपस्थित होते.

Internal Hackathon 2022
SIH 2022

First Prize Magzine Award

BVCOE for Women Pune college has received First Prize Magzine Award for "Oyster-2020". Also received "Oyster-2019" Best College Magzine Award-Third Prize at the hands of Hon. Vice Chancellor-SPPU- Dr. Karmalkar on 25/11/2021.

Basketball tournaments

Institute has successfully organized SPPU-Pune CIty Zone- Intercollegiate Basketball tournaments (Boys and Girls).


Institutional MoU with Edunet (non-profit organization providing IBM Skill-Build digital learning platform focused on emerging technologies)
MoU Coordinator:
Prof.Dr.Ketaki Malgi
Dept. of Information Technology
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

Warmest Welcome


BVCOE for Women, Pune organised National Level AICTE-ATAL-FDP on Machine Learning from 8th to 12th November 2021.


Department of E&TC is organising the First National Level AICTE funded ATAL Academy Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning from 08/11/2021 to 12/11/2021. 200 participants across the nation have already registered for this FDP. Renowned Resource Persons will enlighten the participants during FDP with their insightful knowledge.


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
MoU with core ELECTRONICS Industry "ELON POWER"
MoU Coordinator:
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations


Department of Computer Engineering
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Ms. K. S. Warke
Head of Department:
Prof. D. D. Pukale
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil


Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Mrs. S. B. Dhuttargi
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil


Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. A. D. Khairkar
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse


MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Prof. Dr. S. R Patil

MoU -1

Department of Information Technology MOU with core IT industry
MOU Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Ketaki Malgi
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
A.Y. - 2021-22
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -2

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry.
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. A. Sagar
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -3

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. S. Thite & Prof. K. V. Patil
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -4

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinator:
Prof. S. A. Hadke
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse.
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -5

Department of Information Technology
MoU with core IT Industry
MoU Coordinators:
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse & Prof. A. V. Kanade
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse
Principal Prof. Dr. S. R Patil
Heartiest Congratulations

MoU -6

Department of E&TC
MoU with core Electronics Industry
MoU Coordinators
HoD E&TC & Principal
Heartiest congratulations

MoU 1

BVCOEWOMEN, Pune Department of E&TC ( A.Y.2021-22)
MoU with Core Electronic Industry.
MoU Coordinator Prof. Rameez Shamalik

MoU 2

BVCOEWOMEN, Pune Department of E&TC (A.Y.2021-22)
One more MoU signed with CORE Electronics Industry
MoU Coordinators:- 1.Prof.Mulik 2.Prof.Yadav
Hearty congratulations

Yoga Workshop

Our college has received AICTE-SPICES-Grant of Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One Lakh) for A.Y. 2021-22.


Proposal Coordinator:
Prof.Dr.S.R.Patil, Principal & H.O.D E&TC

Proposal co-cordinator:
Prof.Dr.V.R.Pawar, Asso.Prof.-E&TC


BVCOEW is truely proud of Kritika Rai's achievement, Kritika your hard work and dedication has paid off. You are selected as Software Development Engineer (SDE2) by Walmart Global Tech with 20.67 lakh annual package. We wish you success for all your future endeavours.

First Year Engg.

First Year Engineering Admission 2020-21 against CAP Vacancies & Institute Level Seats Schedule

Direct Second Year Engg.

Direct Second Year Engineering against CAP Vacancies & Institute Level Seats Schedule

SE Branch Change Notice

Prestigious NES Award

BVCOE for Women Pune,Information Technology dept. has received prestigious NES Award on 25th July 2020.

Heartiest congratulations to Project Group, Kshitija, Abhilasha, Tejal, Varsha, Project Guides Prof. Dhuttargi, Prof. Khairkar, Team of IT Dept. & BVCOEW.

Online Certificate Webinar

Recruitment Trends and Associated Skills in association with BVCOE for Women, Pune, and SkillEdge on 4th July 2020.

College Exam Guidance Committee

Online Faculty Development Program

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women Pune, Department of Information Technology in association with 9Ledge Pro, Pune has organized Online Faculty Development Program On “Python Programming” on 4th May 2020 to 9th May 2020.

Redressal of Grievances related to COVID-19 pandemic

Bharati Vidyapeeth 56th Foundation Day

Online Faculty Development Program

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women Pune, Department of Information Technology in association with 9Ledge Pro, Pune has organized Online Faculty Development Program On “Python Programming” on 4th May 2020 to 9th May 2020.

Faculty Development Program on Latex

Department of Computer Engineering has organized one week Faculty Development Program on Latex in association with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial on 7th May to 9th May 2020.

Webinar on “Technical Interview Preparation

Department of Information Technology has organized Webinar on “Technical Interview Preparation” for Second Year Students on 11th May 2020.

Graduation Ceremony
2018-19 Batch

Graduation Ceremony
2018-19 Batch

BVCOE for Women, Pune Alumni association Activity Session by Distinguished alumni, Vijayshri Marathe, 2011 batch

“Health Care and Awareness“ session by Dr. Seema Sonis on 18th January 2019. Session jointly organized by BVCOE for Women, SPPU Student Development Board.

Microsoft CFP session by Microsoft Field Engineer our Alumni, Miss. Harshada Kshirsagar and Miss. More. Very useful session for students on 20th January 2019.

Meeting with All CRs of our institute from FE to BE.

Avishkar 2020 : Groups selected for Zonal Level….All the best students!!!

Blood Donation Camp organized by BVDUCOE, Pune.

Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule Abhivdan on 3rd January 2020

Organized seminar on “Placement Opportunities in Japan” by YASH Overseas, Rajasthan on 9th January 2020.

BVCOE for Women, Pune organized Self Defense workshop for girls on 10th January 2020.

Heartiest Congratulations

Hearty Congratulations to Magazine Team for getting Savitribai Phule Pune University 3rd prize.

MoU signing ceremony with Zensar ESD on 12th August 2019.

FE Welcome Address for Parents and Students on 13th August 2019.

Successful organization of "Prolifics" pool campus at our institute on 27 & 28th August 2019. Total 400 students has been participated.

Alumni students contributed for Flood affected people from Sangli districts on 28th August 2019.

Successful conduction of "FIT INDIA MOVEMENT" event on 29th August 2019.

A Seminar on "Personality Development, Work Ethics and Duties" has organized for NON-TEACHING staff on 31st August 2019.

First Year Dept. Induction Program on 13th August 2019.

Prof. P.D. Kale conducted workshop at BVCOE, Kolhapur on current requirements & preparation for Training & Placement on 14th September 2019.

BVCOE foe Women, Pune continued tradition of SPPU University Ranker. E & TC rocked once again. Ms. Komal Pawar of BE E&TC A.Y. 2017-18, secured Ninth rank among SPPU merit list.

Thought Works campus drive on 26th August 2019.

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for women, Pune Volleyball Team won "MIT SUMMIT-19" at "National Level Inter-Engineering Tournament.

Session for "Scholarship process" is arranged for all FE, DSE students of all departments on 25th & 26th September 2019.

21 Students got placed in VODAFONE placement drive with package 4.2 LPA on 26th September 2019.

Notice: Direct Second Year Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

Click here for details...

Notice 2 - F.E. Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

Notice 1 - F.E. Admission 2019-20 Against CAP Vacancies

BVCOE for Women, Pune 121 Students placed as on date.

BVCOE for Women, Pune Students attended Sales force workshop on 29th June in Novotel.

BVCOE for Women, Pune SPPU-NSS Tree plantation activity at Sinhgad foothills on 06/07/2019.

TIME managerial team visited our college on 12/7/2019.

ICT - Academy managerial team visited our institute on 12/07/2019. Very fruitful meeting and discussion in the interest of institutional tie-up.

National Level Workshop

National Level Workshop on AWS- Academy Cloud Foundation in collaboration with AWS Academy and Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women,Pune on 6th to 9th May 2019.

C and Data Structure workshop

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for women has organized Basic C and Data Structure workshop on 5th to 7th February 2019 with Sunbeam Pune.

Disaster Management workshop

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for women has organized Disaster Management workshop on 13th February 2019 with NDRF,Sudumbare team

MoU with Abstract IT & Engg Solutions

Computer Engineering Department of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune, has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Abstract IT & Engg Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pune. Coordinated by Mrs. Jayashree D. Jadhav and Mr. D.D.Pukale, HoD Computer Engg. Dept.

Best Paper at "NCRITSI 2K19"

Heartiest Congratulations! BE students from Dept of Information Technology received award for Best Paper presented at National Conference on "NCRITSI 2K19" organized by D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune in association with UGC Approved journal IJRAT (International Journal of Research and Advent Technology) guided by Ms Ashwini D Khairkar. L-R : Ms.Rutuja Gaddam, Ms.Aditi Dahiwadkar, Ms.Vaibhavi Zende, Dr.S.R.Patil (I/c Principal ), Dr.D.A.Godse (HOD-IT), Ms.Ashwini Khairkar

PCM Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd.

A MoU has been signed between PCM Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd. and Department of Information Technology on 12th February, 2019.

MoU with QJ Technologies

MoU between QJ Technologies and Department of Information Technology : A memorandum of understanding for providing Internship and sponsorship for final year projects has been signed between QJ Technologies and Department of Information Technology on 8th February 2019

MoU with Gigante Technologies

MoU between Gigante Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Department of Information Technology : A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for "Providing Internship, Sponsorship for Final year projects, Placement and Training on Cyber Security, Digi Marketing has been signed on 30th Jan 2019.

Seminar on Patent Registration

A one day seminar titled ‘Patent Registration’ was organised by Research Committee of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune-43, on Tuesday, 22nd January 2019. An eminent speaker, Prof. Dr. H.U. Tiwari, Principal, Pimpari Chinchwad College of Engineering & Research, Pune was the resource person.

Seminar on Plagiarism Awareness

A one day seminar titled ‘Plagiarism Awareness and How to write the Research Paper’ was organised by Research Committee of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, on Monday, 21st January 2019. An eminent speaker, Prof. Dr. V.K. Bairagi, Professor, AISSMS, Institute of Information Technology, Pune was the resource person.

4 Days workshop on, "Life skill practices

4 Days workshop on, "Life skill practices in association with Art of Living".. Sitting Lto R..Prof.Yashomati, Principal Dr.S.R.Patil,Tutor Shital and Prof.Roshna and participatants..

MoU between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd

MoU between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. And Department of Information Technology, L-R: Mrs. S. A. Hadke (MoU Coordinator), Prof. Dr. S. R. Patil (I/C Principal), Prof. Dr. D. A. Godse (HOD, IT), Mr. A. B. Aher (Founder and Director, KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for “Knowledge sharing sessions, Placement preparation” has been signed between KasNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and the Department of Information Technology on 14th January, 2019.

Seminar on Internet of Things (IoT)

BVCOEW organized a seminar on topic “Internet of Things (IoT)” under FSAI Student chapter on 23rd Jan 2019 at 11.15 am to 1.15 pm. Speaker was Mr. Nikhil Bhaskaran, Founder of Shunya O/S (An AI integrated embedded o/s) and Founder at IoTIoT.in, Pune, Mr. Vinay S. Ghule, Co-Founder and CTO at Leap Info Systems. The seminar was conducted successfully in the valuable presence of Principal (Dr.) S. R. Patil and FSAI coordinator, Mr. K.D.Yesugade.

NSS camp at Khopi village

BVCOEWomen, Pune's one week NSS camp was organized at Khopi village from 11th to 17th Jan 2019.

Blood Donation Camp

BVCOE for Women Engineering college had organized a Blood Donation Camp on the first birth-anniversary of our founder Hon. Dr. Patangrao Kadam Saheb on 8/01/19. All faculty, staff and students participated in the activity.

MoU for Certification Course on "IoT"

An MoU for Course on IoT - Application in Engineering Field was signed between Algorithmic Electronics and the Dept of IT.

Seminar on "Current Trends in Industry” on 5th Jan. 2019

The IETE & IEI Student Forum of E&TC dept organized a seminar on "Current Trends in Industry” on 5th Jan. 2019 from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. The speaker was First Prize winner of Singapore-India Hackethon’2018, Mr. Pratap Sanap, Solution Architect, Persistent Systems Lab, Pune. The seminar was conducted successfully in the valuable presence of Principal (Dr.) S. R. Patil, ISF coordinator, Dr. S. L. Kore and Mr. S. M. Bhilegaonkar, IEI coordinator

MoU for "Scrum" with Agile Growth

An MoU for “Scrum” Training was signed between Agile for Growth and the Dept of IT.

Visit of NAAC Peer Team

Visit of NAAC Peer Team to Campus is on 28th and 29th September 2018

FE Welcome Address

FE Welcome Address by Prof. S. R. Patil, I/C Principal, BVCOE for Women Pune to the First Year Students and Parents on 1st August 2018.

One day Training on “SCRUM”

One day Training on “SCRUM” was conducted for the BE IT students. Click for details...

Admission Notice 2018-19

First Year, Direct Second Engg. (DSE), M.E. (E&TC) Engineering Admission Notice 2018-19

Best Teacher Award

Heartiest Congratulations to Dr.Suvarna S.Chorage for receiving Best teacher Award 2018

Unit Test - II (SEM-II) Time Table

Industrial Visit to Tech Mahindra

An industrial visit to Tech Mahindra, Pune, Hinjewadi was organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College Of Engineering For Women, Pune, under the guidance of H.O.D. Prof. D.D. Pukale, Prof .K.D. Yesugade, Prof. S.B. Jadhav. The motto of this visit was to introduce about new technologies used in market with rapid speed.

Project Exhibition ‘ProyectoEx’18

Computer Engineering Department had Organized Project Exhibition ‘ProyectoEx’18 is for Final Year students on 31st March 2018. The event was held at the Lab number 210, 211 and 202 from 9:00 am and concluded at 1:30 pm. Judges from Industry evaluated project group. Judge 1: Mr. Shardul Gore, Tech Mahindra, Pune. Judge 2: Ms. Vrushali Pathare, Wipro, Pune. Judge 3: Mr. Mohan Gade, Xoriant, Pune

College of Engineering for Women, Pune wins 1st Prize

Fire Volunteers Program

On 26th January 2018 at 9.30 am to 1.30 pm “Fire Volunteers Program” was been organized by FSAI Pune chapter in association with fire brigade department PMC, Pune. This program was organized for the student members of FSAI of BVCOEW Pune and BVCOE Lavale. The Chief Guest of this program was CFO Mr.Ranpise spoke about the goal of the fire volunteers program as to create fire volunteers (Agni Mitra).Mr.Vikram Borkar showed some demos of few equipments used by fire brigade. The Chief Guest CFO Mr.Ranpise, Mr. Vikram Borkar Assistant to CFO, Mr. Mahesh Gavhane Secretary-FSAI Pune Chapter, Dr.H.V.Vankudre, Principal BVCOEW, Pune Dr.S.M.Shendokar, Principal, BVCOE, Lavale, Prof.K.D.Yesugade and students from BVCOEW College and BVCOE Lavale were present.

National Level Workshop : "Fitness and Stress Management through Yoga"

Two days National Level Workshop on "Stress Management and Fitness through Yoga" inaugural program - College of Engg. for Women, Pune in association with SPPU under Quality Improvement Programme. in photo: Dr. Amol Patil, Principal Dr. H. V. Vankudre, Maria Partapurwala, Anjali Ratnaparkhe, Coordinator & HOD IT Dr. Deepali Godse.

Momentous achievement

Momentous achievement of Ms.Shashanki Singh (Student of E&TC) for securing University first rank in TE - E&TC (2012 course)with an outstanding merit of 82.66% in the Academic Year- 2016-17.

First prize in "SoloDuet"

Miss Divyani Taley, student of BE E&TC, won First prize in the event 'SoloDuet' during the cultural fest 'Impressions' organized by the College of Engineering, Pune.


Google is hiring interns for its prestigious summer internship program on Internshala. These internships are open for 1st year MBA and 3rd year (pre-final) computer science students. The last date to apply is 26th December (Tuesday), midnight. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to intern with one of the most loved companies in the world! Click here to know more and apply...

Youth4Work Online Skill Test

Click here to access it...


The Department of Information Technology organised a seminar on “Cloud Computing: From Security, Privacy to Forensics Challenges” by Dr. Arati M Dixit, Chairperson of ACM-W India, on 1st September, 2017. The seminar was organised under the Student Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The speaker discussed about the challenges in the security, privacy and forensics of Cloud Computing. She also provided brief information on benefits of having ACM student chapter.

M.E. E&TC (VLSI Embedded Systems) Admissions - Institute Level Quota 2017-18

M.E. E&TC (VLSI Embedded Systems) Admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

Direct Second Year Engineering admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

AICTE Public Notice :-"Curbing the menace of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions."

The Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering for Women, Pune, organized a seminar on “Usability Design and Entrepreneur Skills” by Mr. Shashi Sudhanshu, CEO, Talkd. Inc., Pune, on 23rd August 2017. The seminar was organized under the Student Chapter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The speaker presented an overview of Usability Design and the skills required to become an entrepreneur.

The Department of Information Technology, organized seminar on "Evolution of Internet: Past, Present, and Future" by Dr. R. Venkateswaran, Senior Vice President, IoT Solutions, Persistent Systems Limited, Pune on 4th July, 2017 under Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter. The speaker presented an overview of computer networking and the three generations of Internet.

FE Welcome Address by Prof. H.V.Vankudre, Principal, BVCOE for Women pune to the First Year Students and Parents on 1st August 2017.

Information Brochure 2017-18
Direct Second Year Engineering Admission for admission to Vacant Seats after CA

Information Brochure 2017-18
ME Engineering Admission for admission in Institutional Quota and Vacant Seats after CAP

Schedule FE admissions against CAP
Schedule FE admissions against CAP vacancies 2017-18

Schedule FE admissions for IL
Schedule FE admissions for Institute Level (IL) - (2017-2018)

FE Vacancy seats
FE Vacancy seats after CAP round & Institutional Quota 2017-18

Information Brochure 2017-18
For admission in Institutional Quota and vacant seats after CAP First Year Engineering admissions

Against CAP vacancies
FE Admissions 2017-18 : Notice against CAP vacancies

FE Admissions 2017-18
Advertisement - FE Admissions

"Maharashtra DigiDhan"
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women, Pune organized an awareness program "Maharashtra DigiDhan" on 7th July 2017

The Department of Information Technology organized seminar on “Evolution of Internet: Past, Present, and Future” on 4th July, 2017 under Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter.

First Year Engineering
Admission Fee 2017-18 Click to view...

College Bank Account Details:-
College A/c No.:- 200503130051111
IFSC Code :- SVCB0010005
MICR Code:- 411355005

First Year Under Graduate Degree Course
First Year Under Graduate Degree Course in Engineering Technology for academic year 2017-18


AICTE has signed MoU with Internshala. Students can use Internshala platform for free internships

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